Training to Identify Bed Bugs and Act Quickly

Preventing an introduction of bed bugs is impossible.  A bed bug can hitch-hike into your home or business on a pant leg or a purse.  If left unchecked, a few bed bugs can multiply into over 1,000 in as little as two months.

Identifying a bed bug introduction early and acting quickly will save you or your business a lot of time and money.  Use this video series to educate yourself, or even train 100’s of employees to spot the signs of bed bugs, deal with upset customers or tenants, and act fast!

Program Highlights

STAFF TRAINING is the most important part of an effective BED BUG PREVENTION program. When your staff can identify the earliest signs of infestation, your company will be able to effectively, pro-actively and quickly respond.

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2- Identification and Detection
Chapter 3 - Prevention
Chapter 4 - Emergency Procedure
Chapter 5 – Infested Laundry Procedure
Chapter 6 - Clean Out Procedure
Chapter 7- Clean Out Follow Up Service
Chapter 8 - Wrapping Up

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